ChatGPT Code Interpreter: Revolutionizing AI

OpenAI has revolutionized the artificial intelligence game once again with its latest addition - the ChatGPT Code Interpreter. Integrating third-party plugins such as WolframAlpha and OpenTable, along with its own browsing plugin, ChatGPT has become an even more powerful tool. The Code Interpreter offers users the ability to generate, run, upload, and download files within the ChatGPT interface while also being able to evaluate the output.

The Power of Code Interpreter

The Code Interpreter currently runs on Python with a select number of libraries. Even with basic libraries, the Code Interpreter is capable of generating code, analyzing outputs, and stringing together different sections of code. For example, using an algorithm to generate a maze, converting the maze into blocks, and finding an exit to make a Pac-Man gif is all possible with the CI.

Moreover, the ChatGPT Code Interpreter can analyze data such as spreadsheets and perform functions like graphing, making it an incredibly powerful tool for both coding and research. The ability to remain within the ChatGPT interface for much of the development process without using an external testing environment is a huge advantage.

Examples of Random Experiments

Playing around with the ChatGPT Code Interpreter resulted in some incredible and surprising results. Here are some examples of a few experiments run on it:


Using the mathematical data understanding and downloadable file generating abilities of ChatGPT, CI generated Shepard tone, which is a sound illusion that seems like it’s constantly getting higher in pitch. The ChatGPT then turned a session of Conway’s Game of Life into music by using a pentatonic scale.

QR Codes

ChatGPT can generate functioning QR codes, which is an incredible feat. The experiment involved generating a QR code and then creating a Game of Life simulation that ultimately ended in the generated QR code.


The ChatGPT Code Interpreter can analyze images as well. With OpenCV and a simple face finding algorithm (Haar Cascade Classifier), CI was able to locate a face in an image. Additionally, ChatGPT can convert an uploaded image into an ASCII image, opening up new possibilities for image manipulation.

Generative Animation

The ability to generate data and translate it into animated gifs is available within the ChatGPT interface, providing opportunities for creative expression. ChatGPT generated various animations such as a bouncing block, a snowstorm, and a session of Game of Life.


CI can perform optical character recognition, which is useful for restoring older documents. By combining OCR with a language model, OCR becomes even more powerful in restoring and preserving textual data.

Calendar Invites

Although CI does not directly have access to the ics library, it can generate a calendar invite in plain text and then have ChatGPT save it as an .ics file.


Using ChatGPT and the Code Interpreter, some interesting sketches were created. Drawing a cat and a blue top hat and pipe were both possible within the interface.


The ChatGPT Code Interpreter offers users immense power and possibilities within the ChatGPT interface. With the ability to generate, run, upload, and download files, along with code evaluation, the Code Interpreter is changing the game of AI drastically. The combination of third-party tools and plugins with the Code Interpreter sets it apart from other AI interfaces, making ChatGPT one of the most powerful tools in AI research and development.